Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hopper Inspired No.2


It was, by no means, a good hide out. The old man said it was “only temporary”, but Sam and I were skeptical. The old man had a bad habit of setting up shop in poorly-picked places. It wasn’t hard to see that the run-down box car was a terrible place to hide from the walkers. However, there was a creek on the other side of the tracks, just over the hill. With a decent supply of water, a brief stop was understandable. We’d have to take turns sleeping. I wasn’t looking forward sleeping in the teetering lump of metal, much less sitting on the ledge of it with a shotgun loaded in my lap and a machete strapped to my jeans keeping watch. Oh well. We needed the water. Sam was getting dehydrated and could use a few days rest anyway. Hopefully we’d be back on the road in a day or two. Lord know’s we needed a more stable place.

Authors Note: I might continue this, I'm not sure yet. This one along with No. 1 is over three hundred words. 


  1. This sounds like something post-apocalyptic. Almost like The Walking Dead...

  2. I can see how the boxcar would be both a needed spot for rest but also vulnerable, too. I could also see you going on with this story.
